Shiju had mailed me requesting to contribute a little piece covering the activities surrounding Kannada on Wikipedia and related projects. I have stuff to refer here written by volunteers from Malayalam and Tamil Wikipedia.

However, I'm not clear about how this should be shaped. Is this going to be an official Wikimedia newsletter? (seeing that it is titled "Wikimedia India Newsletter"). Given that Wikimedia official newsletters are brought in a slightly different manner (, can you share the ideas and objective behind the planned newsletter so that it brings more clarity to the contributors?

Also observed that the draft of the newsletter I've received is crashing though on evince viewer (on debian lenny). It could be useful if you could share details about the software used to create the PDF. Probably Inkscape pros from the community could help? :)

Also, is the newsletter being released in CC-by-SA?
Hari Prasad Nadig |