Having a new Delhi chapter could just be dropping a match in a haystack - for a spate of new regional chapters all over India. All I see this creating is politics and mayhem. It would be like the BCCI - 30+ state level associations making up the national society. Something that we can avoid and cut out the red tape/politics involved.

Further, I understand where the Delhi Community is coming from - what has the chapter done for us thus far? How have they involved us? OK, they have been a little slow, however note that the chapter registration was completed just 5 months ago. My two bits worth on this situation:

1. Our Involvement with the chapter: Membership. They have just opened up membership recently, a very good way of getting involved is applying for it. The fees have been kept low at Rs.100/- annually but if you feel thats too much for you to spare contact the Chapter and Im sure they can sort something out, it should not be a stumbling block.

2. The chapter is not doing much: If you feel that way question the Executive Committee (EC). If you are still not happy with their response then take up the matter at the AGM later this year.

3. We want something more locally: Lets be fair, it is not practically possible for the EC members to do local groundwork everywhere in this large country of ours. It would be difficult for them even if they were all paid full time employees. As things stand, the EC is made up of honorary members who have put in much hard work to get things to this level. However, let us remember they also have their own commitments to look into, their own families to feed. Maybe the chapter can appoint regional committees made up of people from the region they represent to take up local functioning in the area (Delhi in this case). This committee could directly report to the EC. This way we could keep everyone happy - and stop the chapter from disintegrating.

Hope this helps avert a mess.

Kind Regards,