On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 11:00, Achal Prabhala <aprabhala@gmail.com> wrote:

In general, the idea is to focus on instances of a citation gap: either
an already created article whose basis has been established but for
which there are no citations available, or a situation where citations
cover a topic only partially, or an article that should be created but
can't be because of a lack of supporting scholarly evidence.

From the release:

To put it another way, it’s possible that the sum of published scholarly work from Europe is somewhat close to the sum of ‘European’ knowledge, and that the sum of accessible, published scholarly work in many Asian and African languages is nowhere close to the corresponding body of knowledge that circulates among speakers of those languages.

This is quite an interesting challenge. Do you have a blog (or any other device) where one can follow your work in this area?

Aditya Sengupta