Hi Matin

I believe Netha gave an excellent reply to most of your questions. Let me just add some minor points.

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Matin shaikh <smatin29319@gmail.com> wrote:

I am confused about process, does it mean WMF is going to stop donation campaign in India? No more Jimmy Wales appeal for Indians?

Also, Can anyone from WMF provide reasons behind withdrawing financial support? It is sad to see now Indian Volunteers need to spend extra energy on collecting donations.

Those are larger funding decisions, they aren't limited to the Indian chapter but affect all chapters and organizations. It is however an old decision at this point. I should also clarify that the funding hasn't exactly been removed for chapters but moved to a grant model, so it is still available. The problem in our case is that Indian laws don't make it easy to accept grants from WMF, there are regulatory approvals and proper filing that's needed that makes this process long and cumbersome. Also of note, is that our chapter didn't participate in the global fundraiser directly, the time between its approval and the move to change the global fundraising model was small, so the chapter only had 1-2 grants from WMF at its disposal since founding.

I will support Chapter fundraiser as WMF itself is encouraging volunteers to run for money.

Any clarification from WMF about this? Chapter expenses are beyond foundation capacity?

Yes, as I said, its an old decision at this point. There are several pages on Meta that you can read about justification for this move and what the current model is. The community was indeed consulted 2 years ago and just about everything has been said about that move.

I hope that clarifies sufficiently.
