Hi Gerard ,

I think I can help with Tamil . But , I am not sure what needs to be done :)

I understand that its something with calendar . But nothing more I am able to grasp .


On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 2:27 PM, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen@gmail.com> wrote:
I blogged about calendars. The problem I face is that I am adding statements to the calendars in use in India.. I have worked on the Nepali and the Bengali calendar and, I find that in the English Wikipedia some months are merged into one article.

What I want to know is if these months exactly are at the same time or not. Many calendars have special days. It would make sense to have an item for them as well. I assume that many of the Indian Wikipedias have articles for such events. It will help when they are known to be part of a specific calendar..

Are there people who can help me with this ?

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