On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Vishnu t <visdaviva@gmail.com> wrote:
How long a haul this could be? Asking out of curiosity.

Of course, this depends upon the amount of synergy we put in. In terms of computing technology, this should not be a problem at all. But someone will have to conceive and design a basic framework and engine (like an MVC model) that can be used with a common back end repository for contents in all languages. There shall be 100% accurate and lossless reversible script-to-script translation maps working on real time (at the instances of inputting and rendering).

Some possible obstacles, as it occurs to me:

1. Increased server/browser load due to the additional processing

2. Incompatibilities and non-uniqueness between scripts. (For eg: Some languages have letters / phonemes that are not available in some other languages, [eg.  ഴ (a sound/letter in Malayalam)( ಳ / ழ/ ళ)
3. Availability of enough multi-lingual experts to verify the quality of such translations

4. Implementation of long-term standards and version control.
