Fantastic !!

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Srikanth Lakshmanan <> wrote:
Hello all,

Most of know the "Download as PDF" feature is not usable on Indic wikis with Collection Extension due to issues in PDF generation with complex scripts. While we hope this gets fixed, in the meantime, we can provide something that's more usable to users. Aamaachu, a Tamil Wikipedia reader and free software contributor suggested[1] instead of showing "Download as PDF" (which downloads an unusable PDF), the link could be "Download as ODT" and people who want to take content offline could atleast read them properly. (MS Office 2007 supports opening ODT files as well). I had filed a bug[2] for the same and all Tamil Wiki projects now show "Download as ODT" on the portlet. Please consider filing similar bugs for your Indic Wiki project making the experience more "usable". Of Course once complex script rendering in PDF is supported, we can always change / add one more option to list PDF.

Thank you.



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