Thanks for you feedback Srikanth. It was quite a task for the Jury.

With multiple Wikimedia projects, nominations from 12 languages, multiple contribution types and gender we had quite a few things to cover and represent in the eventual list.

You point is a good one. On large wikipedias/projects and the number of recognitions for them.

While we had a few weeks, we did invest in a very well documented process. The Jury was quite diverse as well.

Request your suggestions for next year here please -


On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 3:44 PM, Srikanth Lakshmanan <> wrote:
Great work!! I know it was a tough job for jury. Getting nominated itself is an award. But i have a small feedback. Keep community awards proportional to size of community. 1 award to English Wikipedia is too low IMHO. Having enough time for nomination is another thing, but am sure we will improve the process from next year given the fact the entire process was done in last minute this year.

Srikanth L

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