
We were happy to have people with visual challenges challenging our interactions with them. I, personally, was challenged at at least two points in the conference although I thought I had been sensitized for such interactions.

We do have an online feedback form for the Conference but wonder whether we can have more ways to reach people with visual challenges and the aged for feedback on how the Conference treated them and how we can improve our communication of the Conference (in future) to them.

Thank you for bringing up this point, Vickram.

warm regards,
Pradeep Mohandas


Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 21:45:03 +0530
From: vvcrishna@radiophony.com
To: wikimediaindia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] Braille/touchscreen integration

Several persons attending the recent WikiConfIndia 2011 drew attention to the need for greater ease of use for persons with visual challenges - Barry Newstead referred specifically to this need, commenting that in general, usability improvements for persons with special needs pay off for the community at large.

This recent development at Stanford http://www.springwise.com/lifestyle_leisure/braille-writing-software-touchscreen-devices/ describes how visually impaired persons with Braille skills can interact directly with touchscreen devices. What is very striking about this solution is that it does not involve tactile feedback, as one might expect. Instead, once switched to Braille mode, the screen senses multiple finger placement and translates that into the expected Braille codes (see the video to understand this, if you are unfamiliar with Braille typing).    

To echo Barry's comments made at WCI2011, I think a certain amount of such out-of-the-box thinking could go a long way to creating an interface that is intuitively more approachable than the present wiki editor.  

Fool On The Hill

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