Thank you so much Hari, for cleaning out this (rather) misunderstanding so promptly.

As one such very early guy to work with mail list moderations (for almost two decades), I can understand the great dilemma of having to spare the extra time to maintain/moderate a busy and cranky mail list such as ours.

Over the decade, as a community since we have grown up so much more, a helping suggestion would be to nominate / add a few more guys who can spare their time to help out this list. It may also help build collaborative trust among ourselves.
And this might equally be a good moment  for  those who do not find enough time to work on these trivial or serious cleaning up jobs, to get relieved of these burdens.

Above all, thanks Hari, once again for your prompt response.


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Hari Prasad Nadig <> wrote:

Nobody actually *controls* the list. And none of the present moderators have any real need to do that.

To answer your other questions:
I'm the one who got this list started almost a decade back, so I've been a moderator since. Some prolific contributors namely Anirudh S B, Prashanth N S and Srikanth L were later added up as volunteers and have been helping out.

No mails are going selectively passed or selectively discarded. The moderation flag has been activated for all newly subscribed email addresses. And going by the frequency at which sock puppet accounts seemed to be getting created on this list, I guess the moderation bit was enabled. Knowing how different the India list is, I have no qualms about that.

It has truly been mundane everyday work for some active moderators who help clear the mess and they have done so all these years. It really hasn't been *control* or anything that they can gain from.

And we all can get busy. I can vouch for the fact that none have been intentionally held back.

Srikanth L wrote internally earlier today requesting a review of this setting, and while I'm inclined to saying 'yes' to that, with so much happening here - not allowing sock puppets may also seem a good option to keep sanity at check.

Having followed several mailing lists of open source projects for more than a decade, I always find myself looking at this list I helped create and feel regretful when I see the mailing list being misused. Having said that, I've not meddled in any way and have let it flow all these years. None of the moderators have either.

Some emails get filtered due to technical reasons. For instance, if the mailing list is on the CCed list or if the mail is too heavy in size. I would request all users of this list to be supportive and co-operative of the moderators of this list as they've done a reasonably good job all these years giving it their time despite their busy schedule.

And note that If anyone wants to take up the donkey work of moderation, it is up for taking. Please do not fight over this, at the least.


On 15 September 2014 19:54, ViswaPrabha (വിശ്വപ്രഭ) <> wrote:
With sufficient evidences, as apparent as they seem to be, I must introduce this issue to you all.

The India mailing list is controlled by a few people, of whom no one ever was thinking evil. However, it is time to review and see who really controls this mail list!

I request all recipients to wake up and ask the same questions:

1. Who all control the mail list and moderate it?
2. What has been the criteria of their selection? How long they should remain as administrators to the list?
3. Why should mails go selectively passed and selectively discarded?
4. How come very stale mail messages come after almost a month, just when they could significantly be more relevant  (or more damaging a particular positive cause) with a changed /new scenario?

I propose few more 'acceptable' members are added to the admin list. And even to get rid of people whom the general community does not probably trust any more.

We don't want any more vicious infestations to damage the 'India' context of Wikimedia cause.


Hari Prasad Nadig

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