It is here:,_2013#Logs

Kathik has posted in last night ;
On 12-Feb-2013, at 9:10 AM, sankarshan wrote:

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 9:29 PM, Karthik Nadar <> wrote:
The new EC incharge, so far had no communication with the community, and
hence this will be the first meet. Program plan for the year 2013-14 will be
the primary agenda, and so, your plans and suggestions are welcome.

I am not sure whether the logs from the meeting will be posted (that
wasn't discussed in the meeting itself). However, for meetings that
are organized later on, would the team consider using something like
MeetBot (<>) to keep logs and
post them ? IRC is very non-inclusive - either you are online and
participating or, you aren't. Posting the logs to a list/page provides
an opportunity to participate for those who couldn't make it.

sankarshan mukhopadhyay

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