Hello Everyone,

Two days ago I received a mail from nabble team stating "removal of subscription to WikiMedia India".
I recalled back all events happening over the mailing list to find out any reason or instance of clicking the "unsubscribe" link, checked and rechecked for the same but could not find any solid robust reason to do so. 

As in for now I'm able to receive & reply the mails, but still very curious about this particular "un-subscription" mail landing into my inbox out of nowhere.

Curious to know about the administrative/moderation rights regarding removal/un-subscribing of member from a list, or any similar instance happening.

The related mail is being forwarded for reference. 
Hope this mail is not referred as an act of aggression or an offence pointing towards a person or an entity.

Regards & Thanks, 

Niraj Suryawanshi
Pune Institute of Computer Technology | Wikipedia Club Pune
8149920120 | niraj.suryawanshi@gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nabble <no-reply@nabble.com>
Date: Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 6:00 PM
Subject: You have been unsubscribed from WikiMedia India
To: niraj.suryawanshi@gmail.com

Dear user,

Your subscription to WikiMedia India has been removed. If this was a mistake, you can re-subscribe by following the link below:

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