
It is a good news that there is someone willing to donate their books. Hope we find some good books in PD.

Regarding scanning them, I am sure there must have been some recipient of Scanner under the Project Tiger within Tamil community, they should be able to help scanning.

Dhaval Vyas

On Wed, 16 Jan 2019, 08:13 Shrinivasan T <tshrinivasan@gmail.com wrote:
Found a news about a old man with 1000s of books, willing to give them
all for scanning.

Read more info here.


News in Tamil


I am trying to get his contact details.

If we contact him and if he agrees to give his books to us, we can
scan the public domain books and add to commons.

We need scanners, volunteers, infrastructure like computer, internet etc.
Can CIS or Wikimedia india chapter help on providing these?
With some plan of action, it will be easy to approach and explain the plans.

Please share your thoughts.


My Life with GNU/Linux : http://goinggnu.wordpress.com
Free E-Magazine on Free Open Source Software in Tamil : http://kaniyam.com

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