Hello all,

We've just published the September 2016 Indic Wikisource statistics. After implementing Google OCR script to our all Indic Wikisource , they are growing rapidly.

Here is the few stats...

As per Number of article
1. Sanskrit Wikisourece ( 14606 pages) -  supported by 0.05% scan pages.
2. Telugu Wikisource ( 11707 pages) - supported by 24.3% scan pages.
3. Kannada Wikisource ( 7452 pages) - supported by 1.05% scan pages.

As per Number of page Validation

1. Telugu Wikisource ( 17783 pages)
2. Tamil Wikisource ( 4928 pages)
3. Bengali Wikisource ( 1591 pages)

As per Number of page Proofread

1. Telugu Wikisource ( 19378 pages)
2. Malayalam Wikisource ( 7962 pages)
3. Tamil Wikisource ( 6462 pages)

As per percentage supported by scan pages.
1. Telugu Wikisource ( 24.3%)
2. Bengali Wikisource  (20.12%)
3. Malayalam Wikisource (10.93%)

Full Indic Wikisource stats here

Jayanta Nath
Indic Wikisource Community