Hi Vibhi,

A chapter is not a goal in itself, it is more of a tool to facilitate activities that require a legal body to perform them.
Therefore, I would encourage you to collect those 20 people around you and start having meetups, little outreach events and so on. Once you feel, that you need a legal body, or money, your needs would very likely be met by the current legal bodies in the country.

Obviously, it might turn out to make the most sense to establish local branches, but these  probably would not be independent from the local Indian chapter already existing.

In sum, I encourage you to be active and  cooperate with the existing communities in India to make the most of the multitude of possibilities and the huge potential in community building and outreach. Setting up a new independent Indian chapter at this point is probably not desirable, and would probably not be approved by the WMF.

Best regards,

On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 6:40 PM, Vibhi Jain <vibhijain@yahoo.in> wrote:
Well I have placed the chapter request with a lot of discussion with Mayur, a member of the Grand Advisory Committee. We have the support of many hindi wikipedians including two crats, Mayur and Ashish. And we will soon get the support from more 20 wikipedians. Wikimedia India chapter is mainly Concentrated toward South Indian Languages, New Chapter in New delhi will help make a good community in India. Well Tinu, you are right, you don't need more organisations, but we need. Well, 10-20 people interested are needed for a chapter, lets see, if we gets them, then only we will proceed. 

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