Yes, Asaf, the cost for one SMS would be approximately 50 paise or 0.01 USD.
For certain subscription plans, SMS will be free upto a ceiling of 250 or more per month.

- Sundar
"That language is an instrument of human reason, and not merely a medium for the expression of thought, is a truth generally admitted."
- George Boole, quoted in Iverson's Turing Award Lecture

From: Asaf Bartov <>
To: Discussion list on Indian language projects of Wikimedia. <>
Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 5:00:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Wikimediaindia-l] SMS WIkipedia app in India

Does ordering this content via SMS cost any money?


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 2:39 AM, Barry Newstead <> wrote:
Hi all,

We just had a demo of an interesting SMS application called txtweb. It is a beta platform that allows content developers to publish their content using an apps model.  It was developed by some engineers at Intuit as a side project a few months back.

They have developed an app for English Wikipedia that has been rolled out in India.  The whole platform is India only for now. 

How it works:
Type: @wikipedia<space><article name> e.g., @wikipedia mumbai gets you the Mumbai article.
Send the SMS to 92433-42000
Links have a letter associated with it e.g., (B)Maharashtra. If you reply (B) it will send you that article.

It would be great if folks tried out the service and provided feedback to us (and we'll pass it on). I've set up a page on Strategy Wiki for people to add comments:

I'm particularly interested in how folks use such a service and whether the limited length of the message delivers a decent user experience.  Also, how would you improve the UI.

Feel free to pass this on to other lists or groups.


Barry Newstead
Chief Global Development Officer
Wikimedia Foundation
Tel: +1-415-839-6885 x. 6634
Skype: barry.wikimedia
Twitter: @bazanews

Wikimediaindia-l mailing list

Asaf Bartov <>