
A few of the interesting articles written about the Dam were by Major (later Colonel) John Pennycuick, considered the "Chief Engineer" of the Dam. He wrote about his for the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1897. The edition can be found here.[1] The edition contains chapters on the "Diversion of the Periyar" and "The Periyar Tunnel" followed by discussion and correspondences on the same. I really wish we did more stuff like this in 2011, but that is a different discussion.

Interestingly, these articles - dated to 1897 (!!!) are pay-walled. Each of the article I mentioned above costs GBP 18!

Help is needed on trying to get these articles so that they can inform the Wikipedia article now under Collaboration of the Month. I am hoping to write to the UK Wikimedia Chapter and the Institution of Civil Engineers, UK to see if copies of these can be obtained. Does anyone on-list see any possibility of getting a copy otherwise?

warm regards,

[1] - http://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/content/issue/imotp/128/1897