Pradeep has come up with a wonderful idea. We do need networking and expertise in every field possible.

I see this need not just in the activities he mentions but for the very basic task of editing too. Every one has faced the problems while editing on Indian topics. We lack images - try finding out of copyright images of India's contemporary painters and their works? Reliable sources are difficult to find. How many of us have access across a pay-wall or into a database? How many of us can find someone to make a diagram, a recording, a spoken version?

On many occasions these skills/items/opportunities may be available, not in our city but elsewhere. We need networking and effort to get resources which we can use.

So I feel that Pradeep's ideas can best be brought into fruition by pooling our knowledge, skills, resources, effort together. We need a kind of Cooperation Central for Indian Wikipedians where we can ask for help and get it. We need to list our expertise in the field of knowledge - if I'm an expert on the military, there must be a way for you to find me and ask for help and advice on military matters . If I hold a whole collection of books, I do by the way - there must be some way for you to know what I hold so that you can ask me about it.  If I have a useful skill, eg in making diagrams, ability to provide references or to guide anyone in GAN, FAR or DYK, you must be able to find me and ask.

The challenge is how to make all this a reality. For that we will surely need to overcome the latent inertia which characterises us Indians in so many ways. And we can only do that by being more bold, more helpful, more cooperative, one edit at a time.

Warm regards,

Ashwin Baindur

On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 10:34 PM, Pradeep Mohandas <> wrote:

We must encourage having resouce persons who can help us with various things and who are networked. We need multiple people who are capable of building the community using these resources.

Specifically, we need more people who can communicate with the media, with social media (I know the sterling job that Tinu does in this area, but more hands, do not hurt), with setting up internet infrastructure, having more coders, having more people who are aware of the legal aspects, having more people who are aware of copyright, who are aware of workings in the Government and the Police. Such people may currently exist in each city through personal networks currently, but it might help for a growing community like Wikipedia's to have them in multiple places.

I am not sure if this makes sense, but in short, what I mean is that we must now, as a community work towards infrastructure building that will support the community.

warm regards,
Pradeep Mohandas

Pradeep Mohandas
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