Hello Everyone
As part of the community review team to distribute laptops and internet stipends under Project Tiger, we would like to bring to your attention the following:

*The last date for applying to get laptop and internet support is 25th Feb Sunday 11:59 PM IST. Please spread the word in your communities. Encourage and help users who need this support to apply.

*There are many applications still in draft form. Please see if you know some of those applicants. Help them to complete their applications. 
*There are many applications without endorsements. Please do endorse applicants you know. Please note that the number of endorsements doesn't ensure if someone gets support. However, it will help the review committee to understand the applicant's need and merit. 
Please feel free to reach out to any of us if you need help or clarification. 
for more details.

Regards , 

Dhaval S. Vyas
Manavpreet Kaur
Yohann Thomas
(Community Review Team)