With even OSM map layer being available, who's to tell from where were the vectors derived? What if one knew, through use of handheld GPS device, the exact latitude-longitude co-ordinates of the 4 corners of one's school campus and used that to map one's school on wikimapia? How can Google convincingly prove then that each and every single spot is derived only and only from google map imagery and nothing else? What if the google map layer was only THERE by default but the user didn't give it a crap while mapping the location? There's quite a lot of google maps's own vectors that are placed wrong you know... I've corrected a few myself.

Anyways, I don't think this is something worthy of debating. Such short-sighted rules even if legit by some convoluted logic are quite worthy of being flushed down the toilet. What's next, will Google say I'm not allowed to ask travel directions to a place to a roadside paanwaala because it can claim that each and every direction to any place in the world is derived from google maps only and so I should consult google maps only to get to where I want to go? Will it ban me from sharing the location details of my son's birthday party venue over a event on FB unless I share them exclusively in the form of a google map link? (Btw, google does not pay royalty to any of the landmarks it mentions in its directions app... ohh, major lawsuit!!)

Developed world and our pseudo intellectuals can continue getting cowed down by fear, but I don't think the developing world is going to give a damn. If a rule goes against common sense, would you ditch the rule or ditch your common sense?

Nikhil Sheth
Pune, India

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 5:01 PM, Arun Ganesh <arun.planemad@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't understand the interpretation that longitude-latitude co-ordinates of the placemarks cannot be stored / used with the places. These do not belong to Google.
Wikimapia is a tool for geocoding - allowing someone to derive coordinate values from some source, in this case, copyright satellite imagery or maps . So along with imagery rectification and map mistakes, you will also inherit license restrictions with any derivative work.

All the content on wikimapia will continue to remain on wikimapia with no option to download or export the data. That will violate the google maps service policy on which it was built..

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(a) No Unauthorized Copying, Modification, Creation of Derivative Works, or Display of the Content. You must not copy, translate, modify, or create a derivative work (including creating or contributing to a database) of, or publicly display any Content or any part thereof except as explicitly permitted under these Terms


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