Mayur might have forgot to set the privacy setting of the document to Public.

Hope he will change the privacy settings soon.


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 1:17 PM, Gerard Meijssen <> wrote:
I wanted to have a look but I learned that I need permission. You can allow the world to see without giving permission to change the document I am sure.

On 2 February 2011 11:28, mayur <> wrote:
Hi all,
         I am mayur a hindi wikipedian.I have prepared a survey to determine overall quality of a wikipedia project.Here is the link  for survey report. Here is the Summary for that

Why did we do that survey?

As we know there are lots of Indic wiki projects having different number of active users and article. However we simply differentiate them on behalf of number of articles or depth but that cannot give us an actual overall growth of that project because many projects are simply bot generated as we know about Nepal bhasha and Bishnupriya Manipuri Wikipedia. Simply a project growth can be measured from its article quality and number of articles both. A project having large no of articles having good quality of article has grown faster.


How did we measure quality of a wiki project?

Quality of a wiki project is simply depends upon how many articles are developed from their stubs root. Generally each article is started from a stub. Now quality of the article mainly depends upon how much time it has been edited and how many words are in it or how many long the article is? So we choose different factor which directly affects the quality of article. These are-

1)  Nr. of good articles (Articles having size>2 KB)

Simply a project having more articles of size 2 KB has grown much in comparison to another. But this alone cannot decide quality of a project that’s why we included some another factors. We simply took the percentage of articles having size greater than 2 KB. We gave a marking scale of 150 to this.

2) Nr. of Average articles (Articles having size>0.5 KB)

Simply to filter the stubs we choose this criteria, we gave marking scale of 100 to this just less than above because article having size greater than 2 KB reflects much growth in comparison to 0.5 KB article.

3) Average number of words in an article

That was too tricky to calculate but we simply divided total number of words in a project by total nr. of articles in it for a rough estimate. To keep this in the marking scale of 100 we simply multiplied the output value by 0.1 In our formula.

4) Avg. size of article (KB)

That was also tricky to calculate but we simply divided total size of a project by total nr. of articles in it for a rough estimate. To keep this in the marking scale of 100 we simply multiplied the output value by 10 In our formula.

5) Main space edit per total nr. Of articles

That was also an important factor to know how frequently an article is being edited for being updated. Output value was already on a scale of 100 so we did not multiply of divided that value.

6) Total Edits/article

This is also an Important factor because it reflects how much extra edits (that includes categorization, image uploads and some other similar factors) are being performed in a wiki project. As Output value was already on a scale of 100 so we did not multiply of divided that value.

7) Bot edits

That was the most important factor because all the factor that we discussed can be gained at high value by running bots like in Nepal bhasha and Bishnupriya Manipuri Wikipedia. So we simply multiplied the overall score by percentage non bot edits. However bots edits in some extant are also a necessary part. So we just set the 50% bot edits as a cut off mark. For A wiki having more than 50% of bot edits we simply multiplied total score by (100-(bot edits if larger than 50%-50))

Formula for Quality factor = (R*0.1+Q*10+E+F*1.5+P+O)*(100-N)/100

R- Average number of words in an article

Q- Avg. size of article (KB)

E- Article greater than 2kb

F- Article greater than 0.5kb

P- Total Edits/article

O- Mainspace edit per total nr. Of articles

N- Share of Bot edits (%)


Overall  Score   =      Number of articles * Quality factor




Thank you and Regards



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