Great news Saqib,

Congratulations to the Wiki movement in Pakistan that is culminating in user group! Also, thanks to Karthik and WMIN for supporting our neighbour.


On 3 May 2014 09:21, "Saqib Qayyum" <> wrote:
My dear Indian fellows,

Namaste and As-salamu alaykum!

I would like to inform you guys that Wikimedia's Affiliation Committee has recently reviewed our application to become an approved Wikimedia user group and decided to give our planned user group the official recognition. However, we've not yet signed the user group agreement as we're still awaiting for it.

I would like to personally thanks Wikimedia Indian chapter and especially Karthik Nadar who has been very helpful and supporting throughout the process. 

We've plans to arrange many off wiki activities such as photo contests (WLM, Wikipedia Takes the City), and other public outreach events to publicise and promote Wiki movement in Pakistan. We're looking forward to co-ordinate, co-operate and work with your well organised Indian chapter.

With my warm regards, 


On behalf of, 

Wikimedia Community User Group Paklistan

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