​Heard the voice. really nice.. keep doing the project. Hope we would get a working TTS soon for Tamil.

J. Balaji​

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 2:36 AM, Shrinivasan T <tshrinivasan@gmail.com> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shrinivasan T <tshrinivasan@gmail.com>
Date: 2017-09-20 2:35 GMT+05:30
Subject: Installing Tamil Text-to-Speech system from IITM Donlab
To: ilugc@freelists.org

IITM donlab is working on TTS system for various Indic Languages.
SSN Engineering college provided them the TTS system for Tamil.

Few months ago, filed a RTI to get the source and install it in local systems

They replied promptly and they told that all their TTS systems are
already open source. :-)

IITM released it as OpenSource here -

After following up with IITM team in few mail threads,
On August 12, 2017, Myself, Mohan and Padmakumar visited IITM Donlab.

Prof Hema and Anju Thomas welcomed us.
We spent an entire day, trying to build the entire TTS system.

As the documentation was suitable for the preconfigured systems there,
we can not proceed further.

In the evening, we discussed and found that we dont need to build the
entire system.
They have already providing voice model files for festival.
We have just to download them and compile them to make them work with festival.

we can download the voice models from

This seems easier for us.

Then, we were trying to compile the voice models. Again, with lesser
we can not proceed much.

On Sep 15, Invited mohan to my home to work on this.
We spent a day with no much result.

Today, I mailed Anju of IITM and asked for help.
We have compiled it already and we need to know where the tts script is.

It really works well.

Here is the demo - https://soundcloud.com/shrinivasan/tamil-tts-demo

Full Details of the installation script -

Automated all the installation and make a single script to do all the
magics - https://github.com/tshrinivasan/tamil-tts-install

There are still few improvements needed.
Currently it reads upto empty line.
Have to make to read entire page or chapter.
Will work on this.

Tons of thanks for IITM team, SSN team, Prof Hema, Anju, Mohan,
Padmakumar for all their great support on this.


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