    I am working with a journo on a news article related to Wikimedia Fundraising and donations from India. Hope at least some of you already know that India in the top 6 donor countries to the Wikimedia Foundation. ( https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=tdr42GK_QfdjmijxzyjNnZw&authkey=CKb59_wD#gid=0 [1]). 10,488 contributions and $193,657.88 . These are approximate figures based on stats available. Still it is great news.

           The reporter would like to talk to individuals to understand why they donate to Wikimedia/ Wikipedia. So if you have donated to Wikimedia ( however small or big ) and if you filling to be contacted/quoted by the press, please contact me *offlist* asap. Both regular editors and users are equally welcome. 

Remember to send your contact info ( Name, Mobile, Email , Place, Editor/User) to me personally and not to this mailing list. Please note that list mails are publicly archived for ever. 

Tinu Cherian
[1] This is a publicly available data, http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Tracking_Progress_for_2011_chapters_fundraiser_and_reporting