Dear All,

We completed one week of Malayalam Wikisource offline release. Here is some statistics that we have: (Thanks to Jyothis for compiling this)

Hits to the ISO image : 46,922 (this is just number of hits. This does not mean that all 46,922 hits lead to complete/successful downloads. We assume at least 70-80% of those hits would be complete downloads.
Yesterday we have started a torrent link also for the ISO image ( So downloads are happening in that way also now.

Here are the links by which you can access Malayalam wikisource offline release.

Remember, last year the download count of Malayalam wikipedia offline version 1.0 one week after the release was around 5000.

We found that the interest in Malayalam Wikisource offline is more than that of Malayalam Wikipedia offline.

Shiju Alex

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Arjuna Rao Chavala <> wrote:


On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Jyothis E <> wrote:
Dear fellow Wikimedians,

With great pleasure, Malayalam Wikimedia Community announced its 2011 CD
project "Selected Books from Malayalam Wikisource on CD - 1.0" at the 4th
annual Wiki Meetup in Kannur, Kerala. 
Congratulations!  I am happy at the level of engagement in Malayalam community, which contributes to these kind of firsts in off-line access  year after year.

Best wishes

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