Hi Shrinivasan,

Please note that the copyrights of the content of articles on publications ( newspapers, magazines) resides with the publisher. 

For example, look at the bottom of this article http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/article2719118.ece 

"Republication or redissemination of the contents of this screen are expressly prohibited without the written consent of The Hindu. "

I am just sharing the contents of the article to the list in  good faith, while at the same time acknowledging the copyrights of the original publisher. Treat it as a legal disclaimer from my side ! :)  
I have to do this as this is a publicly archived ( &  mirrored too ) mailing list. 
Share at own risk ! 

Tinu Cherian 

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 1:08 PM, Shrinivasan T <tshrinivasan@gmail.com> wrote:

the note means not to share to others.

please don't add such notes.

I May be wrong. please explain if so.


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