Dear Kalyan,

All the very best. Please let know if we could chip in with any help. 

'The Walls of Kolkata' are so rich and diverse, but are increasingly being painted on. Some of the graduate students at Media Lab, Jadavpur University had done Video documentation called 'Project Wall'. Probably we could involve them in this event. You can see more about the Media Lab work here . You may already have many contacts in JU, but if it helps, I can put you in touch with Dr. Moinak Biswas of Media Lab, who is also the Head of the Film Studies Dept, off the list. Pls. let know. 

Probably we could also explore the possibilities of using the Media Lab space for some of outreach programmes.


On 10 February 2013 14:50, Kalyan Sarkar <> wrote:

We are happy to announce that we are going to organize Wikipedia Takes Kolkata 2 on 3rd March 2013.

We are planning to cover the following -

1. Bow Barracks
2. Kapalitola Kali temple
3. Chinese temples
4. Magen David synagogue
5. Armenian Church
6. Greek Orthodox Church
7. Beth El synagogue
8. Portuguese Church
9. Any suggestions are welcome..

Last but not the least, we'll have Chinese breakfast at Tirettabazar after taking snaps of the Chinese temples.

Anybody who would be in Kolkata around that time please don't forget to join the fun. 

Thanks and regards,
Kalyan Sarkar

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