On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Achal Prabhala <aprabhala@gmail.com> wrote:
Pradeep maintains a personal blog and wrote up his thoughts on the WCI report earlier shared with this list:


This is in the context of:


I appreciate his perspective very much, and I believe it's worth thinking about seriously - Pradeep confirmed that he doesn't mind me sending the link to this list.

More than just providing a fuller perspective on the WCI report, I am particularly moved and distressed by the fact that his decision to retire (I hope temporarily) is based on the harsh politics he encountered while working in the movement; a situation that is far from ideal and surely something that is affecting more people than just him. There's a lot to reflect upon and learn from here.


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Ohai Achal

Long time no see. I hope all is well. Almost as eloquent as before, and why won't you be. 

So, I have tried to follow what has been going on lately. Pradeep retired a while ago from the lists, than from his WP account, I'm not sure what changed now. As I see it the report and his comments don't conflict each other much, he did sign off on the report as far as I know. 

Anyway, I don't know what you mean by "harsh politics", perhaps you can elaborate a little, I am vexed. How can we reflect and learn if we don't know what the problem is. I have been insulated from the recent developments, the last thing I commented on was Barry posturing against Ashwin. I did hear something about Pranav recently but I'm sure you already know. Please enlighten me.
