Hi Ashwin

This is very very very much a draft document.  I have now mentioned that on the page.  This was just my initial draft thoughts.  (For instance, I've hardly covered a quarter of the learnings that I myself have put together- which again are very preliminary.)

The various elements of the learnings gathering exercise that I had mentioned in an earlier mail will all feed into this - and we will also be reaching out to the community for their inputs.

The purpose of this page was just for me to put some structure to my work.

I take on board your points about high level strategic direction that we need to finalise before we start building the nuts and bolts.  Improved Campus Ambassador training is certianly on that list but a whole host of others would also feature such as college selection, faculty selection & involvement, subject selection, class selection, student selection, numbers, etc. etc. etc .

However, what will determine and inform these will be the learnings that we are in the process of collating.

My request is therefore to treat this page as a little workplace for me right now.  


On 29-Nov-2011, at 1:39 PM, Ashwin Baindur wrote:

Nitika, I saw your draft edits about IEP campus ambassador syllabus on meta at the link below


but I felt that your syllabus seemed to repeat in essence whatever had happened earlier. Perhaps before redesigning your syllabus, you may like to decide en bloc, ie at a higher level, what changes you want in the overall scheme.

For example, should the campus ambassadors have four days training instead of two? How much editting should be taught? What skills do they need to know? ( Needs to be mapped out). After getting all input, we should have developed something broad which says something like (for example) -

Campus ambassadors will need to undergo six days of training - in three sessions. In session 1 (two days) they learn about Wikipedia, becoming an editor and intro to CA program. In session 2 (two days), some weeks later they hone their editing skills, knowledge & competence and learn all things necessary to help editors. In the interim, they do some assignments, like bringing articles to GA, citation,etc which are of direct relevance to students and their assignments. In the last two day session,they get involved hands-on in the full gamut of activities that CA involves with role-playing skill development etc.

After that and only after making something like that at its broadest level, should you flesh out the details.

I would strongly recommend getting community involvement in developing this broad plan of action.

Warm regards,

Ashwin Baindur

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