
Great initiative. It's been 4 years since we all met and shared experiences. This conference will also help us plan our future initiatives.

Best wishes!

On Tue, 4 Feb 2020, 08:41 Krishna Chaitanya Velaga, <kcvelaga@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I am happy to inform you we have submitted the Conference & Event Grant proposal for WikiConference India 2020[1] to the Wikimedia Foundation. I kindly request all the community members to go through the proposal -- including the community engagement survey report, program plan, venue and logistics, participation and scholarships, and the budget + FAQs[2], and provide us with your suggestions/comments on the talk page[3] (also do read the FAQs section before making any comments related to the budget). You can endorse the proposal at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Conference/WikiConference_India_2020#Endorsements[4], please do add a rationale for endorsing this project.

According to the timeline of Conference and Event Grants program, community can review from 3 February to 14 February 2020, post that we will start integrating all the received feedback to make modifications to the proposal. Depending on the response of community members, an IRC may be hosted next week, especially if there are many questions/concerns that need to be addressed.

Let me know if you any questions.


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