Hi Yohann,

Some parts of the reports are confusing to a general reader. I am not sure if all the activities mentioned under the "Events" section are organised by Wikimedia India, for example, "Project Tiger Writing Contest" Apart from the equipment support, I would like to know WMIN's involvement in the writing contest itself. Also in July-September 2018 report, 11th World Hindi Conference 2018, Re-creation of CC-India chapter, India Independence Day 2018 - Label-a-thon, are mentioned. It is confusing whether these events are conducted by WMIN, or CIS-A2K, or other volunteers. It would be great if you can make these clear by explicitly mentioning who organised them.

Thank You.

On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 3:30 PM Yohann Thomas <yohannvt@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All,

Wikimedia India is happy to report its annual activities undertaken in the previous financial year 2018-19, beginning 1st April , 2018 until 31st March 2019. All activities undertaken have been self-financed by different Wikimedia India members either individually or collectively and not a single penny of community funds have been spent on conducting any programmatic activity.
No Wikimedia Foundation Grants like Rapid Grant, Project Grant etc have been applied & by following with the real Wikimedia Culture,  all Wikimedia India members in their individual capacity have taken to finance India Chapter Activities for Capacity Developments, Awareness, Partnerships, etc.
As you all are aware, Wikimedia India continues to undergo a financial crisis because it cannot receive any funding [1] from its primary donor Wikimedia Foundation(USA). However, Wikimedia India continues to do whatever it can, with its current constraints, to take the Wikimedia movement forward in India.
Wikimedia India looks forward to the community review on its activities hosted and more importantly on expectations from the larger community, and suggestions on how they want Wikimedia India to perform this financial year, holding that funding's may remain frozen.
Key Points
  • Facilitated first-ever Library Partnership in India with Sameeksha Trust Journal, Economic & Political Weekly under The Wikipedia Library.  
  • Partnered on several Wikimedia Global Programs in India such as WikiGap, Wiki Asian Month etc.
  •  Continued hosting several Wikimedia India programs such as WikiAcademy, Wikimedia India Events, Featured Wikimedian of The Month.
  • Continued working along with CIS-A2K on different projects and most importantly on Project Tiger, a joint initiative between Wikimedia India and CIS-A2K. [2]
Quarterly Reports





Yohann Thomas
Wikimedia India

[1] Foreign Currency (Regulation) Act, 1960 compliance do not permit India Chapter to receive money from its primary fiscal sponsor, Wikimedia Foundation.[
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