Hello Prashanth, 
thanks for the links, Will go through it. Hope it was not troublesome. :)

Regards & Thanks, 

Niraj Suryawanshi
Pune Institute of Computer Technology | Wikipedia Club Pune
8149920120 | [hidden email]

On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Prashanth NS [via Wikimedia] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Niraj,

I am one of the four list admins. 

For list of moderators, see link at footer of all mails on the list.  https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediaindia-l

For administrative functions played by the mods, see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Administration

The list discussions are archived on Nabble and understandably, this has been raised and discussed before (for eg. roles of mods beyond list administration). Link to Nabble archives is also in footer. See http://wikimedia.7.n6.nabble.com/WikiMedia-India-f1399899.html

And for particular discussion on this and clarification for 3 of the 4 mods earlier, see this particular discussion. http://wikimedia.7.n6.nabble.com/Moderation-policy-on-WikimediaIndia-l-tt1403008.html#a1403026


On 16 February 2013 11:31, Niraj Suryawanshi <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello Anirudh & All the members of the India mailing list,

Some questions I wish to ask in general to all my fellow followers in India & worldwide, please do not mind since being a new member to this committee I may miss out on the background!

May I ask about who is the moderator over this mailing list?
And for what reasons is this action is taken on the Indian Mailing list?
Is this moderation known to other lists as well??
Are the other mailing lists/authorities notified about it??

Plus who gives this authority to the moderator to moderate a certain mailing list??
Is there any selection process or criteria??
If yes can we all know about it.
And does the current moderator underwent the same criteria or selection process?

Its supposed to be an open talk rite?
What if its like the moderator wants to discuss issues what he wants to and rest is discarded??
This can happen right??

So next, is there any panel which keeps a check on the moderators??
If yes, can we all know about it also??
And the process through which every moderator is selected?? (eligibility precisely speaking of)

If not, can we assume that the moderators claim the ownership on this mailing list??

plus one last query, this mail, will it be moderated too??
if yes can you let us know to whom I can ask for a clarification over the moderation of this mail.

Waiting for your quick response, 

Regards & Thanks, 
Pune Institute of Computer Technology | Wikipedia Club Pune
<a href="tel:8149920120" value="+18149920120" target="_blank">8149920120 | [hidden email]

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 11:52 PM, Anirudh Bhati [via Wikimedia] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all, from now on, all emails sent by new subscribers to this
mailing list will be held for moderator approval.


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Regards & Thanks,

Niraj N. Suryawanshi
Pune Institute of Computer Technology | Wikipedia Club Pune
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Regards & Thanks,

Niraj N. Suryawanshi
Pune Institute of Computer Technology | Wikipedia Club Pune
+91 814 992 0120 | niraj.suryawanshi@gmail.com

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