Meeting Minutes-30 September 2014


Eugene Eichelberger (EE)

Shannon Eichelberger (SE)

Sharon Flynn (SF)

Sabina Bonnici (SB)

Rebecca O’Neill (RO)

User Group

SB-filled out questionnaire from committee-waiting on status

Domain-EE notified that the community needs group status before the domain will be turned over

Wiki Loves Monuments

SE filled out the WLM Quick License as requested

After questions about the locations of some monuments in Cork, SE found several issues with Co. Cork monuments. The issues will be fixed before the list is returned to the Department

Email was sent to IGS about Awards ceremony-waiting for reply

SB will send an email to the judges outlining the process. Judging will begin on 6 October. Top 7 picks from each judge due by 17 October. SE will compile the new list and send it to the judges. Judges each pick their top 10 and send it back to the committee. Image with most votes wins. Any ties will be decided by the committee

SB complete the In the News page on the website


RO is giving a short talk on edit-a-thons at UCD on 8 Oct. Genealogy edit-a-thon to follow

WWI edit-a-thon at end of November

Ada Lovelace edit-a-thon possibly moved to early November

RO making long term plans for the next year. Looking to work with National Museum of Ireland and Women’s Museum Ireland  


CESI Annual Conference will be in Galway on 28 February 2015. EE will contact about possibly giving a talk or a workshop

EE will craft a group ‘message’ to bring to the group for approval

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 9 October  @ 7pm. If you would like to attend the meeting via Skype send an email to