Meeting Minutes-


Shannon Eichelberger (SE)

Eugene Eichelberger (EE)

Sharon Flynn (SF)

Rebecca O’Neill (RO)

Emma Clarke (EC)

User Group

The passwords on the Twitter account and email have been changed.


RO is still chasing the Science Gallery to set up a meeting.


IMA-Proposal was rejected.

NUIG-Workshop has been confirmed. It will last 1:45. The theme of the conference is Virtual Learning.


SE received a confirmation letter in respect to the grant to the Arts Council. A decision should be made by 1 June.

SE has been adding monuments to the list from leaving out the monuments that are obviously on private land. We might think about adding a notice to the website indicating that while we assume that the monuments are all publically accessible it is up to the participant to confirm that when visiting.

A meeting has been arranged between the DAHG and SE and EE to discuss the upcoming competition.

SE has created a schedule/checklist for the competition. It can be found here.

The recruitment of judges was discussed. It was suggested that we contact the previous judges, the DAHG, and photo clubs to ask for recommendations.

RO indicated that she would be keen to organise photowalks in Carlow and LImerick. SE could run one in Dublin.  

Other Events

RO is participating in #100wikidays where she is challenge herself to write 100 Wikipedia articles in 100 days. You can read about her journey on her blog. SE will tweet the articles as they are written. Once RO gets about halfway through we might take suggestion via twitter.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 12 May at 6:30pm in Dublin. If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to

Wikimedia Community Ireland

On Twitter: @WikimediaIE