From: Conor Wao <>
Sent: Tue, 27 July, 2010 10:54:40
Subject: [Wikimedia IE] Wikimedia Ireland Startup
Dear Darius and Louise,
I am contacting you in relation to your work with
Creative Commons Ireland -
Wikimedia Ireland [ ]
is in the beginning stages of formation and we were wondering if
either or both of you would like to participate.
My own particular interests are to help increase the amount of music
(and general media) in the commons and to encourage educators to use
more free, collaboratively-generated materials in their courses.
After gathering 10-20 people to form an Irish Wikimedia chapter, we
would like to establish a legal structure (as a charity or company -
undecided) in Ireland. We could then apply for funding and host
educational events promoting a more sharing approach to media, etc.
If this sounds like something that interests you, please contact
myself or the Wikimedia Ireland mailing list
( - cc'd in this email).
Kind Regards,
Conor Wao.
WikimediaIE mailing list