I saw on the news that there are discussions underway for an Irish Language Act in Northern Ireland which may include funding support of up to £20m. [1]

Is anyone interested in getting together to put forward a proposal for a project supporting the Irish language projects on Wikimedia?

We may also be able to apply for funding from Wikimedia UK, which has recently raised over £40,000 as part of the fundraiser and is looking for worthwhile projects to spend the money on. [2] A skeleton proposal for WMUK funding has already been started [3]

Is anyone on this mailing list active on the Irish language projects or interested in getting involved in something like this?


[1] http://www.u.tv/News/%C2%A320m-deal-to-protect-Irish-language/b771a609-f7b4-462a-b642-318b63cae967 "£20m deal to protect Irish language"

[2] http://www.mail-archive.com/wikimediauk-l@lists.wikimedia.org/msg02107.html

[3] http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Initiatives/Proposals/Support_UK_indigenous_minority_languages