Meeting Minutes-7 July 2015


Shannon Eichelberger (SE)

Eugene Eichelberger (EE)

Rebecca O’Neill (RO)

Joseph Quinn (JQ)

Emma Clarke (EC)

User Group

No new on domain name. EE will send out another email.

We now have 41 members of the meetup group. We will plan an informational meeting/meetup for the end of July. RO will try to book Stags Head.


PRONI-JQ is still moving forward with planning an event for early 2016. He is also looking into working with the Dubli Jewish Museum and the Diocesan Archive.


Wikimania-RO is off to Wikimania in Mexico. She will present a talk at the pre-conference and will attempted to tweet while she’s there.

Cultural Mapping-Valletta, Malta-RO is also giving a paper at this conference in October on WLM.


SE will be meeting the coordinator from Archeofest on 16 July to discuss the launch on 29 August.

SE sent an email to the international coordinators about starting the contest early and a few other questions. Waiting for a response.

EE found software that we can install on our site to use for voting by the public.


We have been contacted by DBpedia about running training for secondary school teachers on Vicipéd. It was agreed that we will move forward.

The next meeting will take place on 22 July at 6:30pm in Dublin. If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to  

Wikimedia Community Ireland

On Twitter: @WikimediaIE