Meeting Minutes-23 September 2014


Eugene Eichelberger (EE)

Shannon Eichelberger (SE)

Sharon Flynn (SF)

Sabina Bonnici (SB)

Clement McGann (CM)

User Group

SB is still waiting to hear back from the application committee

EE is still waiting to hear about the domain transfer

Wiki Loves Monuments

SE compiled some stats about the images uploaded. Dublin has the most images uploaded with Cork a close second. Several counties have no entries at all as of yet. Less that 6% of the images are ineligible.

SE fixed the missing images on the WLM Ireland category.

SE will follow up with IGS this week about awards event

SB is working on the In the News page


CM has brought to the attention of the group an issue dealing with the National Seamen's Memorial on City Quay in Dublin. He was contact by the relative of someone lost in one of the sinkings that is not listed on the monument. He is looking for assistance from the group. SE and EE will look into it.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 30 September @ 7pm. If you would like to attend the meeting via Skype send an email to