Meeting Minutes-27 January 2015


Shannon Eichelberger (SE)

Eugene Eichelberger (EE)

Rebecca O’Neill (RO)

Clement McGann (CM)

Joseph Quinn (JQ)

User Group

We still have not heard back about the domain name

RO will send an email about the User Group Agreement changes

The Wiki Loves Monuments site was hacked over the last week. EE was able to recover most of the data, but the map points we corrupted. EE will continue working on the problem and try to recover the map points


10 participants are signed up for the Engineers Week event on 8 February. RO is promoting it on Facebook and SE is promoting it on Twitter

RO will craft a press release for the Engineers Week event as well as the WWI event being held at Collins Barracks on 14 February


Digital Preservation Conference-the deadline has been extended. RO will send in her proposal this week

Open Data Workshop-Oliver Moran will be attending this event on behalf of the group. It was agreed that Wikimedia Community Ireland should have a strong presence at the event so SE will also attend and RO and EE might attend as well

Other Events

JQ brought several interesting project ideas to the group:

UCC Volunteers Project-One of the largest databank of WWII veterans. It has been digitised, but might not be open source

1916 Commemorations

Dublin Diocesan Archives-has many important documents relating to the Irish State

JQ will also continue working on articles related to his thesis. He will be meeting with some potential recruits this week


EE introduced SF to a Wiki News contact to move forward with the Journalism Department collaboration

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 4 February at 6:30PM in Dublin. If you would like to attend, either in person or via Google Hangouts, please send an email to