Pour le lien 2023 :
Merci @Ulrich Lantermann de m'avoir signalé!

Télécharger Outlook pour Android

From: Flor Mechain <Flor.Mechain@wikimedia.ch>
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 1:11:10 PM
To: wikimediach-fr@lists.wikimedia.org <wikimediach-fr@lists.wikimedia.org>
Cc: Ulrich Lantermann <Ulrich.Lantermann@wikimedia.ch>; Maurus Achermann <maurus.achermann@wikimedia.ch>; Lia Beretta <lia.beretta@wikimedia.ch>
Subject: 18 mai - journée internationale des muséez
Cher-e-s Wikimédien-ne-s,

Depuis quelques années, Wikimedia CH collabore avec le Conseil international des musées pour favoriser la présence des musées et leurs collections sur les projets Wikimedia. Si vous souhaitez participer et enrichir les contenus en lien, rendez-vous sur la page de la campagne :

Vous trouverez également notre communiqué en PJ.

Meilleurs messages,

Télécharger Outlook pour Android

From: Maurus Achermann <maurus.achermann@wikimedia.ch>
Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2023 1:53:14 PM
To: Ulrich Lantermann <Ulrich.Lantermann@wikimedia.ch>; Flor Mechain <Flor.Mechain@wikimedia.ch>; Lia Beretta <lia.beretta@wikimedia.ch>
Subject: WG: IMD 2023 Wikimedia Campaign / Communication Update

Dear Community Managers


Kerstin just sent me an overview of the communication measures concerning the IMD campaign 2023 (see E-Mail below and attachments). It would be nice, if you could share them too through your community channels – please let me know, what is possible and maybe take the other community managers in copy for inspiration?! If you have any question or need for support, please let me know or get in direct contact with Kerstin).


All the best,



Maurus Achermann 

Community Lead WMCH

Swiss Association for the advancement of free knowledge supporting Wikipedia and other projects 

Help us support free knowledge 



Von: Kerstin Sonnekalb
Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. Mai 2023 13:21
An: Laetitia Conort <laetitia.conort@icom.museum>
Cc: Sandra Becker <sandra.becker@wikimedia.ch>; Amandine Cabrio <acabrio@wikimedia.ch>; Ilario Valdelli <ivaldelli@wikimedia.ch>; Anapaula GARCIA-SOTO <anapaula.garcia-soto@icom.museum>; Jenny Ebermann <jenny.ebermann@wikimedia.ch>
Betreff: IMD 2023 Wikimedia Campaign / Communication Update


Dear all,

I hope this gets you well. Here I would like to update about our communication work concerning the Wikimedia Campaign so far:



  • On our social media: Posts on all our channels (FB, Insta, LinkedIn, Twitter/Mastodon) – ICOM international and local ICOMS have been tagged.


  • The partner Chapters Wikimedia Austria and Wikimedia Germany have received the media release as model for their own communication.
  • All relevant Swiss media in our list were informed.


  • Contacted the DIFF blog editorial team and proposed a publication. DIFF is a blog with movement news from around the globe.  


  • I’ll inform the PR officers of the neighbour chapters about the campaign and will share with them our media releases.




It would be great if you could include our news in your communication too or crosspost.
I’m at your disposal for further questions.





Kerstin Sonnekalb

Outreach & Communication Wikimedia CH

Mobil: +41 78 813 13 26




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Swiss Association for the advancement of free knowledge supporting Wikipedia and other projects
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