Alguém daqui faz parte dessa lista?
pessoal está confuso e pede esclarecimentos.

On 12 August 2014 07:27, Cristian Consonni <> wrote:
2014-08-12 11:42 GMT+02:00 Lodewijk <>:
> The google translation doesn't quite make sense to me. Something about a
> block to the Brazilian government?

No, this is different. I will translate the first part of the article,
as far as I can understand it (sorry for the lousy grammar, I am
trying to be quick and I am skipping the quotes)

Rousses qualifies "inadmissible" the boycot to journalists in Wikipedia

Sao Paulo, 9 aug (EFE) - The president of Brasil, Dilma Roussef,
considered today "inadmissible" that from the internet connection of
the Palace of Pianalto, headquarter of the Head of State, there has
been negative edits to the profile in the virtual encyclopedia
Wikipedia of two journalists of the group Globo.


The IP - identity in internet related to the Palce of
Pianalto - was used in may of this year to make edits to the profile
of  Miriam Leitao and Carlos Alberto renowned economic journalist of
the Globo network and qualified by the author of the boycott as the
authors of "disastrous" analysis.


After that the blog of "O Globo de Río de Janeiro" has disclosed the
news, the Department for Social Communication of the Presidency has
reported in a press statement that Roussef herself has ordered the
constitution of an Interministerial Commission, coordinated by the
Ministry of Casa Civil (Presidency) to investigate the case.


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