Crise anunciada e esperada.

Sempre achei meio complicado esse processo de financiamento. Suscita muitas críticas, mas é difícil encontrar uma alternativa. Isso precisa ser discutido entre a fundação e a comunidade.


Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 15:25:11 -0300
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Brasil] Um interessante caso de estudo para quem for aplicar um dia para o FDC

1) curto situações de jogar a merda no ventilador.
2) Hmmm... Esperado?
3) Pessoal, pfvr. Não é como a WMF NECESSITASSE dos chapters. Os chapters que a Foundation tem uma relação de necessidade são poucos e todo mundo conhece e sabe contar no Fura-Bolo e no Maior-de-Todos: WMDE e WMUK.
3.1.) Quando a Wikimedia Foundation quer uma coisa Feita em um país, ela manda STAFF pra lá. Quer resolver a questão pelo Empirismo? Meu deus: Brasil, índia, Oriente Médio. A não ser nessa dupla exceção que todo mundo já conhece, chapters independentes financeiramentes e que conseguem converser de igual pra igual pra Foundation, altamente qualificados pra fazer o "conservative charity work", a versão WASP do movimento livre que o Chan fala acima.
3.2.) Quando a Wikimedia Foundation doa dezenas de milhares de dolares pra chapters, dá um dinheirão pra eles, ajuda a produzir um evento, a WMF está falando muito mais "Cool work, bro", do que um "I need you".
Sabe, dá pra entender melhor quando você nota que 95% dos chapters são analogias perfeitas como filhos adolescentes de 17 anos, sendo WMF o pai. Eles falam "pai, eu quero isso", e o pai fala "pega aí", eles falam "pai, preciso daquilo", eles falam "toma aí filhão, eles falam - vez ou outra - ''Pai, olha aí a grana que eu consegui num trampo sozinho!'', aí o pai responde "Parabéns filhão."
Mas como todo filho de 17 anos, eles tem momentos de revolta de independência. Querem ser independentes, mas no final das contas, dependem do paizão no quesito financeiro. Não existe independência se não existe autonomia financeira, e isso tanto om filhos, quanto na vida.

Agora, existe aqueles filhos de 25 anos que já estão trabalhando, já conseguiram um mérito, já ganham um bom dinheiro sozinhos. E esses poucos, o pai olha de igual pra igual.
E é isso que eu viso pra WMBR no futuro.

Uma analogia colorida pra essa discussão tão sombria.


On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 5:14 AM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga <> wrote:
Principalmente àqueles que querem organizar uma Wikimania no Brasil,
vejam o tópico "[Wikimedia-l] Resignation announcement, and a parting
remark to everyone".

Alguns aqui conhece o Deryck de Wikimanias passadas. Não sei direito o
que se passa no caso, nem tenho wiki-saco de acompanhar com o detalhe
necessário. Alguém conta depois?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Deryck Chan <>
Date: Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 7:52 PM
Subject: [Wikimedia-l] Resignation announcement, and a parting remark
to everyone
To: Wikimedia Mailing List <>
Cc: WMHK council <>, executive <>

Dear trusty Wikimedians,

The FDC decisions are out on Sunday. Despite my desperate attempts to
assist WMHK's board to keep up with deadlines and comply with seemingly
endless requests from WMF grantmaking and FDC support staff, we received an
overwhelmingly negative assessment which resulted in a complete rejection
of our FDC proposal.

At this point, I believe it's an appropriate time for me to announce my
resignation and retirement from all my official Wikimedia roles - as
Administrative Assistant and WCA Council Member of WMHK. I will carry out
my remaining duties as a member of Wikimania 2013 local team.

My experience with the FDC process, and the outcome of it, has convinced me
that my continued involvement will simply be a waste of my own time, and of
little benefit to WMHK and the Wikimedia movement as a whole.

My experience with the FDC process has confirmed my ultimate scepticism
about the WMF's direction of development. WMF has become so conservative
with its strategies and so led into "mainstream" charity bureaucracy that
it is no longer tending to the needs of the wider Wikimedia movement.

My experience with the FDC process has shown me that WMF is expecting fully
professional deliverables which require full-time professional staff to
deliver, from organisations run by volunteers who are running Wikimedia
chapters not because they're charity experts, but because they love

My experience with the FDC process has demonstrated to me that WMF is
totally willing to perpetuate the hen-and-egg problem of the lack of staff
manpower and watch promising initiatives dwindle into oblivion.

WMHK isn't even a new chapter. We've been incorporated and recognised by
WMF since 2007. Our hen-and-egg problem isn't new either. We've been vocal
about the fact that our volunteer force is exhausted, and can't do any
better without funding for paid staff and an office since 2010. Our request
for office funding was rejected. The year after, our request to become a
payment-processing chapter was rejected. The year after, we've got
Wikimania (perhaps because WMF fortunately doesn't have too much to do with
the bidding process), which gave us hope that we might finally be helped to
professionalise. But it came to nothing - this very week our FDC request
was rejected.

And the reason? Every time the response from WMF was, effectively, we
aren't good enough therefore we won't get help to do any better. We don't
have professional staff to help us comply with the endless and
ever-changing professional reporting criteria, therefore we can't be
trusted to hire the staff to do precisely that.

My dear friends and trusty Wikimedians, do you now understand the irony and
the frustration?

Wikimedia didn't start off as a traditional charity. It is precisely
because of how revolutionary our mission and culture are, that we as a
movement have reached where we are today. A few movement entities,
particularly the WMF, managed to expand and take on the skin of a much more
traditional charity. But most of us are still youthful Wikimedia
enthusiasts who are well-versed with Wikimedia culture, but not with
charity governance. Imposing a professional standard upon a movement entity
as a prerequisite of giving it help to professionalise, is like judging
toddlers by their full marathon times.

Is this what we want Wikimedia to become? To turn from a revolutionary idea
to a charity so conservative that it would rather perpetuate a
chicken-and-egg problem than support long-awaited growth? I threw in days
and days of effort in the last few years, often at the peril of my degree
studies, with the wishful thinking that one day the help will come to let
WMHK and all the other small but well-established chapters professionalise.

I was wrong.

With the FDC process hammering the final nail into my scepticism about
where WMF and the movement is heading, I figured that with a degree in
environmental engineering from Cambridge my life will be much better spent
helping other worthy causes than wasting days on Wikimedia administration
work only to have them go unappreciated time and time again.

But I feel that it is necessary for me to leave a parting message to my
fellow Wikimedians, a stern warning about where I see our movement heading.
I feel that we're losing our character and losing our appreciation for
volunteers, in particular the limitations of volunteer effort.

I leave you all with a final thought from Dan Pallotta: charitable efforts
will never grow if we continue to be so adverse about "overheads" and

With Wiki-Love,

PS. I wish there was an appropriate private mailing list for me to send
this to. Unfortunately, most of the important WMF stakeholders aren't
subscribed to internal-l, and most veteran chapters folks know what I want
to say already. I just hope that trolls wouldn't blow this out of
proportion. Or perhaps I do want this to be blown out of proportion so that
my voice will actually be heard. Thanks for reading.
Wikimedia-l mailing list

Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more
useful than a life spent doing nothing."

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