I think it is worth supporting it. Wikimedia Commons is one of its sources. Tom

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Open Knowledge Foundation <infoat okfn.org>
Date: 2013/3/12
Subject: Support the Public Domain Review
To: Everton <everton.alvarenga at okfn.org>

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Hi Everton,

I’m writing to you today about one of the Open Knowledge Foundation’s projects The Public Domain Review which is in need of your support at a crucial time.

The Public Domain Review is a web-based journal showcasing the most wonderful and unusual out-of-copyright works available online. Through its curated collections and articles by leading scholars, writers, and archivists it entertains and amazes us with the beauty and breadth of the public domain -- celebrating and raising the awareness about the value of our shared cultural commons at a time when it is increasingly under threat.

With its initial funding now run ended, the Public Domain Review urgently needs your donations to continue its work.


The Review has been the brainchild of Adam Green who has dedicated immense time and effort - most of it as a volunteer - to editing and curating the Review over the last two years. The wonderful video calling for your support is another entirely volunteer effort created under Adam's direction (and featuring him in a starring role!).


While operating on a minimal budget the Review has done an amazing job. Highlights from last year include an article by Man Booker prize winner Julian Barnes and attention from the likes of the New York Times, Huffington Post, Vice magazine, and the Paris Review.
I therefore very much hope you will join me in supporting The Public Domain Review and ensuring that it continues to showcase and celebrate the incredible beauty and richness of the public domain.
To donate or learn more about the fundraising campaign please visit: 

All the very best,
Rufus Pollock
Founder, Open Knowledge Foundation