Hello, everyone!
Campus Party is here! I am sorry this is in English, although I've
been in Brazil now for a few days, my Portuguese is still
nonexistent :)
I wanted to touch base about a couple logistical points for the
upcoming event. Thank you to everyone who updated the Wiki with
their phone number and availabilities; we are still missing
information for Gullit and Gilson.
Gullit and Gilson - are you
still able to attend?
For tonight, both Kul & I are going to the opening event at
Campus Party. It is certainly not mandatory, but if you are planning
on attending, please let us know and we can all try to meet up
For tomorrow, we are still not sure where our booth will be. After
tonight, hopefully we will have this confirmed. I will email out
later tonight with confirmation on when and where to meet tomorrow
morning. In case you are interested, the map of Campus party is
Feel free to text or call either Kul or I. Our numbers are:
* Jessie: +1 3125054649
* Kul: +1 4158609891
See you soon!
On 1/10/2011 2:45 PM, Jessie Wild wrote:
Oi pessoal!
Envio esse email para seguir com os detalhes de preparacao para
nossas atividades na Campus Party. Espero que voces estejam
empolgados tanto quanto eu!
1) como o email que enviei na semana passada indica, nao
esqueca de REGISTRAR-SE no site da Campus Party. Sem o seu
registro, voce nao podera entrar no evento! (
3) Complete a tabela dos voluntarios ("
Volunteer Table") nessa wiki, para que
possamos ter o contato de todos e coordenar nossos horarios e o
trabalho no nosso stand!
Obrigada! Estou muito feliz que vamos nos encontrar na
proxima semana e que poderemos trazer mais pessoas para o grupo
de voluntarios da Wikipedia!
PS thanks to Carolina for the translation help :)
Jessie Wild
Special Projects Manager
Global Development
Wikimedia Foundation
Jessie Wild
Special Projects Manager
Global Development
Wikimedia Foundation