Estranho nao te mencionarem. Vc esteve aqui sim! :-)

Bem, deve ter sido uma escapada...Mas o Barry disse que adorou o encontro com vc e me passou as notas que ele tomou.

Eu estive na reuniao com o Bruno. Foi otima. Quem sabe voces tentam encontra-lo para uma bate papo ai em Sao Paulo. Vou tentar achar o email dele.

Ele tbem eh um dos coordenadores da Campus eu entendi bem...

Aqui as notas que tomei do encontro com o Bruno Souza: (essas sao notas do que o Bruno falou, a maioria sobre experiencias da comunidade Java)

Meeting with Bruno  - 09/17/2010


·        Barry/Kul/Bruno Souza (Brasil/Java)/Carol

·        Bruno – building user groups …found Java communities …organized free-software  of the Campus Party …

·        Idea: better participation of Wikimedia in Campus Party…(10 year anniversary of Wikimedia)

·        Possibilities:

o   Build an organization

o   Partner with an existing organization  … ex FISL/ASL, by setting up projects , or House of Digital Culture or ?

·        Low barrier to entry if the user groups are kept informal

·        Formal approach ;

·        User groups – Brazil Java User Groups  - 40 nowadays – “the most important thing is not how many we have, but how long they stay”…”continuity is the most important”

·        DFJUG – large user group, but lead  by one passionate guy…

·        Importance of recognition of good things they are doing…and somehow they are getting some support

·         The local are the ones important… build empowered communities / planting of the seed

o   Ex.: take volunteer to meetings/interviews

·        Communication – local…

·        Fundraising – local…go  after their own resources / sponsorships x business deals

·        “good for the company”…”for its business” …when companies decide to contribute and put some hours of its work forces

·        Sun Campus Ambassador program….one of the things they did was to create user groups within universities. But Brazil people did not like. You are not supposed to create a user group…you are supposed to help user group…You are supposed to do the hard things, that volunteers do not want to do (Eduardo Lima – get contact) / No Oracle employee can be a user group leader

·        Chapters within universities – runned by professors

·        Who do we want to reach ?

·        VIP THINGS

o   Brazilians like to contribute /participate

o   Brazil has a very general lack of respect for copyrights…but this is good in the sense that many people want to have people using their stuff

·        Broadband plans in Brazil – think about project and check what the project is financing locally …partner with Universities

·        Bruno – run cloud computing lab at USP ..

·        Think about PUC…and think about other private universities

·        Do the not glamorous work..

·        Travel around the country…like oer…caravana




2010/11/9 Alexandre Hannud Abdo <>

On 11/09/2010 06:45 PM, nevio carlos de alarcão wrote:
>     Brazil.  Bruno is a leading innovator within the Java Users Groups
>     within Brazil and he provided us with helpful advice on Brazil.
> Alguém conhece o Bruno Souza? Grato

Oi Névio.

O Bruno é um cara bacana, apesar de não o conhecer pessoalmente. Esteve
na WMF logo antes de eu chegar, em Setembro.

Ele foi, e talvez ainda seja, o mandante do pessoal do SouJava, uma ONG
de usuários de java no Brasil.

Além disso, ele participou da diretoria da Open Source Initiative, junto
com a atual coordenadora de tecnologia da Wikimedia, Danese Cooper.
Também trabalhou na organização da área de software livre da Campus
Party Brasil.

O que ouvi lá na WMF foi que o Bruno falou coisas favoráveis à nossa
estratégia de mutirão. Evidentemente para desgosto da diretoria que,
para vingar-se, resolveu decretar que eu nunca estive lá... ;D


> ==September 2010 Visitors to the San Francisco Office==
> * Clay Shirky (Wikimedia Foundation- Advisory Board)
> * Kate Filbert (Screen Sprint)
> * Quiddity (Screen Sprint)
> * Another Believer (Screen Sprint)
> * Peregrine Fisher (Screen Sprint)
> * John Broughton (Screen Sprint)
> * Orangemike (Screen Sprint)
> * Laura Hale (Screen Sprint)
> * HJ Mitchell (Screen Sprint)
> * Dave Cummings
> * Mark Gibson
> * Daniel Scarpelli
> * Xochi Birch
> * Itzik Edri (Wikimedia Israel)
> * James Forrester
> * Austin Hair
> * Timothy Garton Ash
> * David Munir Nabti
> * Yasuda Yutaka
> * Rose Shuman
> * Special Agents from the San Francisco FBI Field Office,
> Cybersecurity Division (invited brown bag presentation)
> * Harel Cain (Wikimania Haifa Planning Team)
> * Deror Avi (Wikimania Haifa Planning Team)
> * Shay Yakir (Wikimania Haifa Planning Team)
> * Amir Aharoni (Wikimania Haifa Planning Team)

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