On Sat, 2010-02-27 at 10:07 -0300, Thomas de Souza Buckup wrote:
> Pessoal,
> Não deixem de ler a mensagem do Lodewik (abaixo) e pensar com carinho
> sobre a possibilidade de se candidatar aqui na lista para ir ao
> encontro de capítulos em Berlim.
> Quanto antes tomarmos essa decisão, mais fácil será para os
> voluntários contarem com a ajuda financeira indicada pelo Lodewik para
> cobrir os custos de viagem.
> Seria muito bacana se conseguíssemos enviar dois voluntários do
> Brasil, pois são muitas atividades paralelas e é muito importante nos
> comunicarmos com os demais capítulos no mundo.
> No ano passado fomos o Alexandre Abdo e eu. Foi bastante importante
> para cada um de nós e iniciou-se alí um excelente diálogo entre o
> capítulo brasileiro e o resto do movimento.
> Infelizmente não tenho disponibilidade esse ano. Se possivel, acho
> uma boa ideia contarmos novamente com a participação do Alexandre Abdo
> (para guardar uma certa continuidade) e de mais um@ voluntári@. Quem
> concorda/discorda e quem se habilita?????
> abraços,
> Thomas
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Lodewijk Gelauff <
> Date: 2010/2/26
> Subject: [Wikimedia Brasil] Wikimedia chapters meeting
> To:
> Dear all,
> As you know probably, the Chapters Meeting 2010 will take place in
> Berlin, Germany from April 16-18. In order to make the necessary
> arrangements, we will need all chapters to send some basic
> information. I have set up a form [1] where you can fill in / select a
> few specific details relevant to your chapter.
> To be able to take the next steps in the organization of the meeting,
> it is important to know who the contact person(s) will be at your
> chapter regarding this meeting - even if you don't know yet who will
> be your representative(s). Also I would like to know how many people
> you will be sending (1 or 2).
> Wikimedia Deutschland is working on a funding program again for those
> chapters who can't afford travel costs themselves. Please indicate (as
> soon as possible) whether you would like to apply for this. Also
> please indicate it as soon as possible if you need any assistance for
> visa to enter Germany.
> If there is a question you can't answer yet, please just leave that
> field blank and send the answer later by email, or clarify the
> situation in an "other" field. Any information is better than no
> information.
> Since we are already on a tight schedule, I would like to ask that you
> fill in the main points before the end of next week (but the sooner
> the better). Please contact me directly if you have any specific
> questions.
> I hope for quick replies. With kind regards,
> Lodewijk Gelauff
> P.S.: your input on the schedule topics would be very much welcomed at
> [2].
> [1]:
> [2]:
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