I am sorry for the English; I don't speak Portuguese (as
many of you know:), so am slow in catching up on this list
For the Ambassador program, Frank Schulenburg and I are
indeed working on the best way to get this program started
in other areas outside of the US. We have not completed the
final recommendations yet, but one page that might be useful
as you work on this is "How to build a class-based university
program." You are well on the way to completing some
of the steps, but there are a few things that are still
One of the things that seems to be absent as of now but is
the most important, probably, in determining the success of
the program is to build infrastructure on Wikipedia. This
could be similar to the Public Policy Initiative page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_United_States_Public_Policy),
but essentially is just a hub for all people contributing to
the project.
Has anyone started building something to this extent? Since
this is the first type of project of its nature done in
Brazil, I think it is worth putting in the time to develop
the right tools, so that professors are properly supported
from the outset: if the first few professors have bad
experiences, it will be very hard to get more positive ones
going forward.
Obrigada :)
On 2/27/2011 6:19 AM, nevio carlos de alarcão wrote:
se vc entra na
wikipedia-pt pela home, vc veh algum anuncio sobre
esse esforco? seria legal ter um link por la...ou
na Esplanada
o que sugere?
Tempos vários administradores da Wpédia por
aqui, o que acham?
obrigado pelo interesse. De
início, sugiro entrar em
contato com o administrador
Gunnex para explicar que
não se trata de um ensaio (ele
acrescentou a predef
{{ensaio}}, mas sim de
um programa da WMF. Vou acabar
de traduzir essa primeira
página e divulgar na
Esplanada. Eu posso fazê-lo
mas um terceiro é mais eficaz.
Seria legal também se houvesse
apoio da WMF - você, como
conultora do Global South -
para um esforço generalizado
para divulgação/implementação
da Public Policy Initiative e
do Ambassadors Program.
saiu um
recurso muito
útil para
explicar como
funcionam as
páginas de
discussão na
Está em
inglês, alguém
sabe como
Mesmo em
acredito que
dá pra usar,
dando pausa e