
Como já devem saber, o Wikimania 2011 será em Haifa, Israel. Lembro que o prazo para os pedidos de bolsas termina no dia 31 de janeiro. Nesse ano, haverá a possibilidade de bolsas parciais, além de um incentivo à participação feminina.

Em paralelo, pensei que talvez fosse interessante uma organização em torno de projetos/eventos para arrecadarmos doações e tentarmos levar mais participantes ao evento. Uma espécie de captação direta, tal qual havíamos definido como modelo de funcionamento do capítulo. Será que funciona?




Dear Wikimaniacs,

We are pleased to announce the opening of the registration period and the scholarship application period for Wikimania 2011, which will be held in Haifa, Israel, on August 4th to 7th, 2011.

== Registration ==
Those who register early will enjoy considerable discounts in both registration and accommodation fees, so be sure to register as early as possible.

* Full information about registration, including fees and registration periods:
* Our registration website:

== Scholarship application ==
If you require a scholarship to attend Wikimania 2011, you can apply for one until the end of January 2011. This year, there will be partial scholarships to cover travel costs up to USD 300, in addition to full scholarships.

* Full information about scholarships:
* Our scholarship application website:

== Call for Papers ==
The Call for Papers for the conference has been available for a while now. You are welcome to submit workshop, seminar, tutorial, panel, and presentation proposals.

* The Call for Papers:

== Translators required ==
You are welcome to help translate as much of our conference wiki into as many languages as possible, using the regular {{Other languages}} and {{Translation}} templates.

If you are interested in translating the registration website into additional languages, please contact us at

== Got any questions? ==
You can contact us in any of the ways listed on

If you have questions that might interest others, please post them on

Please excuse us if the registration or scholarship application websites are temporarily unavailable due to maintenance.

Wishing you all a happy 2011 and looking forward to hosting you in Haifa,

Harel Cain
on behalf of the entire Wikimania 2011 local team