
Tom - as Julianna says, you can, of course, reach out to any professors and/or send any professors my email to talk about more questions!
Julianna - it would be great for you to ask some of your fellow professors in the humanities at USP. This is our best form of recruiting (from one professor to another), which is why it is so great to have you and tom involved in the recruiting.

As for Fabio Kon: I talked to him, and it sounds like he is interested in creating a Computer Science portal on Wkipedia and also do some development for MediaWiki during his summer course (December - February). Of course, this is not yet confirmed, but I'll talk to him some about this and keep you posted!

One thing about recruiting professors for the Global Education Program: Ale, Everton and I talked a little bit about what the pilot project for the program should look like beginning in February 2012. Based on our pilot experience in India, I think it would be best to keep the number of schools to maybe just two or three schools where we already have a presence: UNIRIO, USP, and maybe UNESP. That way, we can learn a lot from the pilot before expanding into the broader country where we are more dispersed, although I think it is absolutely essential that we move into other regions as soon as possible (and of course, pending success of the pilot!).

Just some thoughts :)

2011/10/10 Everton Zanella Alvarenga <everton137@gmail.com>
É que eu já falo tanto e mando tanto email que às vezes é melhor eu
perguntar, mesmo. Who know me better know what I mean, hahaha!

Então vou é fazer o que sugeriu e não sou responsável por isso. ;D

Em 10 de outubro de 2011 21:14, Juliana Bastos <domusaurea@gmail.com> escreveu:
> Se vocês quiserem, posso entrar em contato com professores de humanidades da
> USP, em especial na área de Educação, que entendo ser um dos focos
> principais do projeto. Claro, esse tipo de contato é feito através de
> congressos e eventos científicos, mas tenho essa prioridade daqui em diante.
> Tenho certeza que a Jessie dirá que você não precisa esperar por um sinal
> verde. Sejamos audazes... ; )

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Jessie Wild
Global Development, Manager
Wikimedia Foundation