Your english is great! And thank you so much for organizing!

So in the end, what time are we thinking for Saturday's meetup? 

Also for Sunday's meet-up, do you think I should reserve a small room at the hub (they have availability), or should we just meet in a coffee shop or somewhere free (which would be good!)?  I would love for the local experts to advise :)

*smack* :)

2011/10/4 Cecilia Tanaka <>
Dear Jessie,

It's a great, gorgeous place and I love it. It seems like an Italian villa, with a "fontana", trees, flowers and, believe me, towers! :D

Almost a little castle! Lovely! S2

About the
the question of safety... hmm... it's a real problem, but the district is no more dangerous than anywhere in world... :)

I will try to get a video camera and a projector until next Saturday. Cross your fingers! ;)

Smack! :-*


PS: - Sorry... My English stinks! ;P
"Discordo daquilo que dizes, mas defenderei até a morte o teu direito de o dizeres". - Voltaire

Em 4 de outubro de 2011 17:32, Jessie Wild <> escreveu:

Hi Ceci, Hi all -

Thank you SO much for helping organize this! The space sounds great, even though a little bit complicated. 

Vão precisar de algo, além da net? Acho que o projetor e o flip board estarão sendo usados, vou verificar... :-/

I would, actually, love to have a projector. I'm preparing some slides about the research. I don't know if the presenters on the WikiConcurso want to have a presentation or not. Also, in addition to Internet, it would be good if we could get a video camera (for the webcasting). Is there one available?

As for the timing of the event, I will let you all decide what you think is best! I am free whenever :)


Jessie Wild
Global Development, Manager
Wikimedia Foundation

WikimediaBR-l mailing list

Jessie Wild
Global Development, Manager
Wikimedia Foundation